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Savannah Chrisley, 25. Savannah Chrisley's parents are Todd and Julie. Savannah Chrisley was moved to Nashville in order to pursue her studies in Lipscomb University, but she then transferred to Belmont University and graduated. Celebrity Net Worth estimates Todd Chrisley's net worth to be $1.5 million. However, that's not the whole of the story. The saga of the Chrisleys' fluctuations in their finances began in 2012 when Todd made an application to file Chapter 7 bankruptcy. In the report by People, Todd listed $4.2 million of assets at the date, as opposed to $49.4 million in debt. A U.S. District Judge in Atlanta sentenced Todd Chrisley and Julie Chrisley last year to 12 years of prison. They will both be sentenced to three years of supervised release and must pay restitution. Records from the court show a judge denied the "Chrisley Knows the best" couple's appeal to get bail. Alexander was born in Serbian descent is born Suzana Drobnjakovic. She was born in Los Angeles, California. In the seventh grade, she started acting in school plays. Kate's death wasn't because NCIS writers hated Kate or that fans didn't love her. Sasha Alexander made the decision to close the show on her terms. The reason she did it was because NCIS demanded it.

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